Registered Nurses' Association of Ontario

Clinical Management

Point of Care Resources
Node Name Weight
Comprehensive Health History
Physical Exam
Screening for Pain
Pressure Injury Wound Assessment
Pain on Local Tissues Perfusion
Infection Control and Routine Practices
Comprehensive Pain Assessment
Practice Considerations to Prevent Parastomal Hernias in Persons Who Anticipate or Live with an Ostomy
An Assessment for a History of Venous Insufficiency
Catheter Site Care
Skin Integrity
Identifying Risk Factors
Examples of Open-ended questions to assess quality of life
Components to include in follow-up care after completing a quality of life assessment
Oral care infection prevention and control
Assessment for Signs indicative of Non-Venous Disease
Adapted Pain Assessment using Acronym O, P, Q, R, S, T, U and V
Systematic Assessment Prior to Inserting a Vascular Access Device
Head-to-Toe Skin Assessment
Central Venous Access Device (CVAD) Placement and Potential Complications
Predisposing Risk Factors for Restraint Use
Approaches to Prevent Treatment Interference (Older Adults)
Algorithm for Oral Care
NPUAP’s Pressure Injury Staging System
Different Types of Leg Ulcers (Differentiating from Venous Leg Ulcers)
Pain History for Children with Acute Pain
Practice Considerations for Comprehensive Health Teaching to Persons and their Families/Caregivers
Plan of Care
VAD Dressings
Timing of VAD Dressing Changes
Approaches to Prevent Treatment Interference (Paediatric)
Proper positioning, transferring and turning techniques
Oral Health History — Sample Questions
Assessment for Infection
Ankle Brachial Pressure Index (ABPI)
Pain Assessment on Persons Unable to Self-Report
Practice Considerations for Blood Draws
Pain in Special Populations
Selection of the Site for Peripheral Venous Access Device (PVAD) Insertion
Risk Factors for Oral Disease and Poor Oral Health
Decision-making Algorithms
Bed Rest
Practice Considerations for Multi-Component PVAD Care Protocols
Bacterial Biofilm
Specialist Medical Referrals
Nutrition and Hydration
Screening for Risk for Malnutrition
Signs and Symptoms of Venous Leg Ulcer Infection
Practice Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided Technique for the Insertion of Arterial Catheters
Adjuncts to Secure VAD
Strategies for Infants and Children
Oral Hygiene Care Plan for Long-Term Care
Multi-component Strategies to Prevent Use of Restraints
Pain Assessment and Management Considerations for Preterm and Newborn Infants
Sample Oral Health Care Plan
Chemical Restraints
Risk Assessment Tools
Determining Nutritional Status
Preparing the Wound Bed
A Schematic of the Palliative Care Trajectory
Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided Technique for the Insertion of PVADs for Persons with Difficult Intravenous Access
Flushing Techniques
Locking Techniques
Pain Assessment and Management Considerations for Infants and Young Children
Toothbrushing Techniques
Possible Complications of Restraint Use
Clients Restricted to Bed and/or Chair
Comprehensive Nutrition Assessment
Domains of Issues Associated with Illness and Bereavement
Practice Considerations for Non-Pharmacological and Pharmacological Pain Management Strategies During VAD Insertion in Infants and Children
Factors Contributing to Catheter Occlusion
Pain Assessment and Management Considerations for Older Adult
Denture Care
Restraint Legislation
Transfer of Care Arrangements
Cleansing Agents (Non-antimicrobial and Antimicrobial)
Components and Strategies for Cultural Assessments Identified within Research Literature and by the Expert Panel
De-escalation Tips
Checking for Catheter Patency
Pain Assessment and Management Considerations for Critically Ill Adults
Communication Strategies
Pain Assessment
Comprehensive Assessment
Pressure Management Surfaces
Practice Notes related to Assessment of Spiritual, emotional and existential distress
Strategies Identified within the Research Literature to Assess the Spiritual, Emotional and Existential Needs of the Person and Their Family
Implementing the Pain Management Plan
Suggestions to Prevent or Limit the Use of Restraints
Minimize Accessing CVAD
Threat Reduction Strategies
Physical Findings of Venous Disease versus Arterial Disease
Re-Positioning Schedule
Vascular Assessment
Practice Notes related to Life Reflection
Prevention, Assessment and Management of Adverse Effects during the Administration of Opioid Analgesics
Mobility and Support Surface Assessment
Interventions to Assist Patient to Cope
Blood Withdrawal
List of Topical Antimicrobial Agents
Non-Pharmacological Interventions
Support Surface Equipment Assessment
Management of Responsive, Aggressive or Harmful Behaviours
Blood Withdrawal – Additional Considerations
Pain Management Strategy Education
Precipitating Risk Factors for Restraint Use
Add-On Devices
Re-evaluation and Monitoring
Obtaining Ulcer History
Plan of Care for Repositioning
Repositioning in Bed
Repositioning in a Chair/Wheelchair
Support Surface Selection
Support Surfaces - Entrapment
Transition from an Existing Support Surface to Higher Level of Support
Heel Off-Loading from Bed or Wheelchair
Nutritional Requirements
Cleansing the Wound
Dressing Selection
Agents for Managing Infection
Debridement Selection
Debridement and Lower-extremity Ulcers
Types (Categories) of Debridement
Types of Adjunctive Therapies
Electrical stimulation
Evaluation of Wound Healing
Evaluation for Risk for Additional Pressure Injuries
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy
Pain Management
Sample Tools
Node Name Weight
Sample Medical History Template
Tools for Assessing Anxiety, Depression, and Stress
Pressure Injury Risk Assessment Tools
Pressure Injury Assessment Tools
General tools across multiple recommendation areas
Algorithm for Assessing Pain in Hospitalized Children
Tools for Blood Draws
Algorithm for Assessing Pain in Adults with Cancer
Braden Scale for Predicting Pressure Sore Risk
Tools to aid parastomal hernia prevention
Tools for PVAD Care and Daily Assessment
Care Bundle for the Assessment and Management of Pain in the Critically Ill Adult
Tools for Ultrasound-guided technique
Consensus Statement Skin Changes at Life’s End (SCALE)
Tools to aid quality of life assessment
Validated Pain Assessment Tools
Tools for Pain Management
Skin Assessment
Comfort Plan
Standardized Systems and Language to Identify Pressure Ulcers
The Four Elements of Locking and Flushing
Assessment for Infection
Personal De-escalation Plan
InterRAI Pressure Ulcer Risk Scale
Caregivers Perceptions of Restraint Use Questionnaire
Tools Used to Assess Domains of Health and Illness
Leg Ulcer Measurement Tool
Appendix I: Oral Health Assessment Tools
Sample Oral Health Assessment Tools
Nutrition Screening and Assessment Tools
Therapeutic Relationship
Leg Ulcer Assessment Form
Pain Assessment Tools
Using Validated Assessment Tools
Broset Violence Checklist Tool
Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability Tool (START)
Coping Agreement Questionnaire (CAQ)
Safety Plan
Behaviour Profile Documentation Form
Behaviour Monitoring Log
Pain Assessment Tools
Antecedent, Behaviour and Consequence (ABC) Charting Tool
Debriefing Tool
Support Surface Selection Tool